
Personal details
Name: Jonas Laurens de Vries
Date of birth: January 7th, 1974
Place of birth: Haarlem, Netherlands
Sex: Male
Place of residence: Haarlem, Netherlands
Member of: Vereniging van Schrijvers en Vertalers (VSenV), Platform Zelfstandige Ondernemers (PZO),
Chamber of Commerce registration no.: 343603550000

VertalersVakschool Amsterdam (, 2011–2013
Translation of literary texts, diverse genres. Analysis of Dutch literature, with a focus on register/style/rhythm.

Universiteit van Amsterdam, English language and literature, 1992–1997
Master specialization: medieval literature, Arthurian literature, translation of medieval texts. Notable courses: Celtic history and culture (at the Universiteit Utrecht), translation of modern texts, didactics.

Stedelijk Gymnasium Haarlem, 1986–1992

Work experience
Freelance translator English–Dutch, 1998–present. Dutch native speaker
Translation of numerous books or several publishing houses. Coordination with editors and other translators. Terminology management. Translation and correction of other texts. Indexing, correction.

Teacher, Stedelijk Gymnasium Haarlem, 1997 (traineeship)
Preparation of lessons and teaching materials, analysis of teaching materials, teaching in class, correction of assignments.

Cook, take-away restaurant Pumpkin, Haarlem, 1998–2012

Cook, Eko-Eetcafé, Haarlem, 1990–1998